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How can I tell if someone has anxiety?

If you notice any behavioural changes that last for a period of two weeks or more in close family or friends, it is possible that the person has an unrecognised anxiety disorder.


Common behaviours associated with anxiety include:

  • Increased worrying about common problems like finances, work or family relationships;

  • Unwilling to go out and socialise;

  • Not being able to go to sleep;

  • Increased use of alcohol and drugs, particularly in social situations;

  • Avoiding crowded places like the cinema, shopping centre on taking public transport;

  • Unable to finish school or work projects; and,

  • Increased irritability and sensitivity to criticism.

How can I tell if someone is depressed?

If you notice any behavioural changes that last for a period of two weeks or more in close family or friends, then it is worth asking whether the person may be depressed.

Common behaviours associated with depression include: 

  • Moodiness that is out of proportion to recent events;

  • Increased irritability and frustration;

  • More sensitivity to minor personal criticisms;

  • Withdrawal from social events;

  • Loss of interest in food, sex, exercise or other pleasurable activities;

  • Being awake throughout the night;

  • Increased alcohol and drug use;

  • Staying home from work or school;

  • Increased physical health complaints like fatigue or pain; and,

  • Being reckless or taking unnecessary risks (eg. driving fast or dangerously).


We can help you:

  • For someone who is depressed or anxious often these behaviours are not easy to live with and cause great distress to close family or friends. As a consequence family and friends often withdraw their support or simply stop trying to help.


  • Most people with depression or anxiety need someone else to help them get the assistance they require.


  • People in the workplace will often feel that it is not their place to comment on someone’s personal problems. Therefore, it is important for employees / employers to recognise the signs and symptoms of depression or anxiety and feel confident to respond appropriately.


  • If someone you know is experiencing Depression or Anxiety, please don’t hesitate to contact us to reserve an appointment today.  




Caring Counsellor
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