Suite 27,
Level 3.
240 Plenty Road,
(Cnr Graduate Drive)
University Hill
With the recovery from the bushfires in VIC and now the impact of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), as mental health counsellors, professionals and proud citizens, we form part of the emergency recovery effort and now offer Online or Phone counselling to continue therapy for our patients during this stressful and anxious time.
Secure phone and online counselling
Online counselling via secure video conferencing or mobile telephone services provides immediate or same day access to expert, effective counselling help, without having to leave your home or office.
With the advent of more people being at risk with the Corona Virus (COVID-19), which requires physical isolation, more and more of our patients are seeking alternate ways to continue with their counselling therapy whilst protecting their health and wellbeing.
Research shows that in expert hands, online counselling is just as effective as face-to-face counselling, and patient outcomes are identical to those for conventional therapy.
Couples counselling during social isolation arrangements announced by the Federal Government on March 11 to counter the COVID-19 crisis, is crucial for those patients at risk of losing their relationship.
Our team can remotely provide support for patients at risk of infection, including anyone who:
has been diagnosed with COVID-19 virus and are not a patient of a hospital; or
has been required to isolate themselves in quarantine in accordance with home isolation guidance issued by Australian Health Protection Principal Committee; or
is considered as being more susceptible to the COVID-19 virus being:
at least 70 years old, or
at least 50 years old or over if of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; or
pregnant; or
a parent of a child under 12 months; or
a person under treatment for chronic health conditions or who are immune compromised.
Phone or video conferencing appointments can be arranged within minutes of your call, and often on the same day.
Please call us on 0422416894 or schedule your online or phone booking using this link below.
How does it work?
Our reception will assist you at every step of the way to link you into your session.
Even if you are technology beginner, we can help you make it work. Once you’ve done it the first time, it’s easy!
Sessions go for a full hour.
All you need is a smart phone, laptop, computer or tablet.
You can use a PC or a MAC.
At Life Vision Counselling our counsellors use a collaborative process that involves the development of a unique helping relationship.
The Counsellor acts as a facilitator in helping patients to understand their feelings, behaviours, relationships with others, situations, choices and decisions.
Through counselling you can talk in complete confidence, clarify issues and determine options.
Further, the counsellor offers a safe, confidential and non-judgmental context in which patients can:
Gain clarity and perspective on the issue;
Receive the support you need to resolve issues and make effective decisions;
Deal with negative feelings and emotions;
Explore personal resources and develop new skills;
Find answers which are best suited to your own individual needs and lifestyle.
What our Counsellors Do?
Our Counsellors are trained in Psychological First Aid which focuses on people with ‘traumatic’ problems caused by natural disasters.
Our Counsellors are also trained in Choosing Life program.
Our Counsellors do not prescribe medication.
Our Counsellors engage in one-on-one, family or group work, based on the needs of our patients.
Our Counsellors do refer patients to a General Practitioner or Clinical Psychologist for issues of a more serious nature.
Our Counsellors will support you with referrals to external agencies for emergency housing; financial support and/or financial counselling; food vouchers and legal assistance where needed.
Our Counsellors adopt a ‘more positive’ approach towards clients with a major focus on the patient's capability for recovery, resilience, improvement, achievement and productivity.
Counselling is a learning-orientated process and our counsellors are the facilitators.
In Australia, a recognised Diploma is an accepted qualification level for the practice of Professional Counselling.
All our Counsellors hold a current and valid Working With Children Check.
Counsellors registered with the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) have undergone recognised professional training in counselling and therapeutic techniques.
What is phone and online counselling
What can we help with?
We have a team of counsellors who specialise in working with couples.
We also work with a wide range of problems including anxiety, depression and addictions.
Our counsellors have a variety of areas of expertise, including:
Adult mental health issues
Family counselling
Adolescent and young adult counselling
Work place issues
General health issues
Secure technology
To ensure the most secure and confidential counselling for you, we insist on using SSL standards and we also use this same security standard in our online intake platform and psychometric measures. This is so much better than consumer video conferencing applications like Skype.